Moravian College :: Blog

Where did the semester go?!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I really did not mean to go this long without writing; I just turned around one day and realized that it had been overtwo months since last I checked in. The few months since we came back to school after winter break have flown by and been very busy - but very fun, too.

South campus res life again brought us great activities and entertainment. The weekly wednesday night Coffeehouse in the basement of Main Hall twice became host to auctions - a "Man Auction," and a "Woman Auction." These yearly events are always eagerly awaited by south campusers and north campusers alike. Moravian ladies and gents are invited to offer a "G-rated service" to be auctioned off to benefit south campus res life. Winning bidders took away massages, free movies, free dinners, and musical serenades. South Campus's Clewell Dining Hall became a dance floor for a night for an "Ardi-May As-Gray dance" (that's Mardi Gras in pig latin, by the way!) Complete with snacks, beads, a live DJ, and a night of dancing. A "Thai Night" was also held, in which my RA made some fantastic thai food and we watched 'Anna & the King.'

Life in the music department has been interesting as always. The choirs went on tour to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, over spring break. And for two weeks in March I do believe I was stuck in the Renaissance! The Choir and Orchestra's performance of Purcell's Fairy Queen was an interesting experience - especially since everyone was in costume! Everyone in the choir were dressed as fairies (yes, wings included), and the orchestra dressed like miscelaneous Renaissance characters, like peasants and court musicians. Much to my dismay, however, I have no pictures from the event. The following weekend was the thirtieth anniversary concert of Collegium. It was a day-long affair, complete with a luncheon and post-concert pot-luck. In celebration of the group's anniversary, all of Collegium's alumni were invited back to perform in the concert, and the "Kollegium Kids" - children, nieces, nephews, and younger siblings of Collegium members and alums - also got a chance in the spotlight! I'm really enjoying playing gamba; it's an experience that I likely would never have gotten except here.

One thing that I have found very quickly in my time here is that college is not only about the classes you take and the material you learn. What has been most influential to me in these past months have been the wealth of experiences that I never could have gotten anywhere else. Just one year at college has made me much more aware of the world we live in, more aware of other peoples and cultures, more aware and appreciative of various kinds of music...and the list goes on.

And now, somehow, there is only a week of classes left, and then a week of finals, and the year is over! I'm looking forward to a break from school work, but a part of me is sad to leave what has become a "home away from home" and the great friends I have made. So, until September - happy summer vacation! (almost...)


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